Saturday, September 15, 2007

I Love My Big Sissy!

This had to have been one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Little Charlotte stood at the door watching Ruby play outside for 20 minutes! I kid you not. She loves Ruby so much it is the greatest thing to be able witness that kind of pure adoration!

And fortunately for us those feelings are still mutual. I'll get back to you when they are 16 and 12!


Anonymous said...

Why wait until 16 and 14? Ours started off with a love affair that by the time Tori was 6 and Libby was 3, had fizzled out. Don't get me wrong, they still like each other fine, and sometimes they still get together and have hours of fun, but for the most part, the grand passion has played itself out. (they're 11 and 8 now)

Mrs Furious said...

Don't tell me that! ;)

E. Broderick Photography said...

How cute. Just warms my heart. :) Makes me want to have a baby!